Treatment of antique furniture

Treatment of antique furniture infested by xylophages such as woodworm and other beetles.

Among the special applications, the IMP-PG is employed in the “treatment” of antique furniture infested with xylophages, such as woodworm or other beetles.

The furniture is partially disassembled and placed on the trolley frames. Once the load is complete, the material is positioned in the autoclave for treatment using special products. In this phase, thanks to the combined action of the vacuum and the atomisation of the repellent, the penetration of the treating agent is very high and it is able to penetrate into the most difficult parts of the furniture to reach.

The elimination of woodworm and other insects guarantees the long life of the element without altering its structure or natural beauty.


The advantages of treating antique furniture with IMP-PG impregnators

The curative treatments of antique furniture with ISVE IMP-PG impregnators have important advantages, among which the following deserve to be mentioned:

  • very high penetration of the healing agent, even in the most difficult points
  • the elimination of woodworms and other destructive insects guarantees the longevity of wooden furniture without altering its structure or natural beauty

Wood Technological Partner

I.S.V.E. designs and builds wood treatment machinery that can be customized according to customer needs.

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