The vacuum autoclave enables impregnation of roof frameworks
I.S.V.E. Srl has recently increased its range of spray impregnators to include the new IMP-PG “Oscillating” model.
This vacuum autoclave enables the impregnation of roof framework placed in properly braced packs.
The application and use of the IMP-PG is equipped to give wood protection against the following Risk Classes:
– Risk class 1: situation where the wood or wood based product is shielded, completely protected from atmospheric agents and not exposed to humidity.
– Risk class 2: situation where the wood or the wood based product is shielded, completely protected from atmospheric agents, but where high environment humidity may cause occasional but not persistent humidity.
– Risk class 3: situation where the wood or the wood based product is not shielded and is not in contact with the ground. It is continuously exposed to the atmospheric agents or, even though protected from them, is subjected to frequent humidity.
In these three cases, defined by ENC, (European Normalisation Committee), IMP-PG guarantees protection and long lasting esthetical quality of the wood.
How oscillating impregnators work
The beams to be treated are striped in packages and loaded onto a trolley, which is introduced into the autoclave.
The impregnation cycle begins with the activation of the vacuum pump, which has the function of eliminating the air present in the wood fibers. In this phase, the opening of the “porosity” of the wood favors the subsequent penetration of the impregnating product.
On the bottom of the autoclave there is a deposit in which 100-600 liters of preservative solution are poured. By means of a pump the product is sent to a series of automatic spray nozzles, arranged on two ring frames.
The pulverization rings are mounted on a trolley that moves along the entire length of the autoclave with alternating horizontal motion. This movement has the clear function of spraying the pieces along the entire length.
The impregnating agent is pulverized creating a very fine mist that settles in all the cavities of the wood, completely covering the surface. The excess part of the product is redeposited on the bottom of the autoclave and is re-used avoiding any waste.
The advantages
Treating wood with IMP-PG oscillating impregnators, if supported by a valid impregnating product, ensures perfect waterproof, anti-cryptogamic and insecticidal protection of the beam surface.
The advantages that can be obtained are evident:
First of all, in terms of efficiency, there is no loss of product or leakage of solvent from inside the autoclave which, in order to guarantee the vacuum, must be hermetically sealed.
The automation of the process allows to obtain a time saving of the order of the 60%, compared to a traditional treatment done by brush, brush or spray gun.
In terms of quality, the truss is perfectly impregnated and with uniform colors while, from an environmental point of view, there are no unpleasant losses or odors. The action of the vacuum allows a very high penetration and adhesion of the paint to the internal surface of the pores of the wood, a result that can only be obtained thanks to an autoclave treatment.