Complete protection of wood against degradation agents using pressure-vacuum technology
The IMP-VP plants are suitable for treatment of items that fall into risk classes three, four and five.
The natural conformation of wood makes it unsuitable for use outdoors.
Its composition (20-30% lignin 40-50% cellulose, 20-24% carbohydrates) makes it vulnerable to “degradation agents” which begin their action when humidity is high and the temperature is between 10 and 40 °C.
Fungi, mildew and bacteria are in ideal conditions to develop, whereas the ultraviolet rays present in the sun light photochemically decompose the lignin making it soluble in water.
Degradation of wood by UV rays
The only way to fight the action of the enemies of wood is turn to the help that modern chemistry provides.
As a matter of fact, if a good insecticide and fungicide is applied in sufficient quantity that also the internal parts of the wood are involved, the attack from micro organisms and insects can be offset for several years. Both the fungicide and the insecticide lose their effectiveness over the years, therefore the duration of the protection is directly proportional to the quantity applied.
An impregnant with a high level of dry residual can make the wood waterproof by protecting it from water until it is applied to form a surface film.
The pigments, which are not transparent, form an impermeable surface barrier against ultraviolet rays, thus preventing the decomposition of the lignin.
The traditional systems of dipping, brush painting and spraying are not able to guarantee to achieve the three results.
A product with a high dry residue level will form a surface film, limiting the penetration of the insecticide and fungicide solution.
On the contrary, a product with a low dry residue level will have better penetration allowing the insecticide and fungicide solution to be more active, but having very little resistance to the penetration of humidity into the internal parts of the manufactured item.
Only the use of pressure-vacuum technology has enabled pigmentation products with high dry residue levels (12-30%) to be applied resulting in complete protection of the item.